What is Digital Marketing and Digital Marketing Type.
May 22, 2024
Now a Day atleast 95% of companies are going Digital and doing Digital Marketing. As because Digital Marketing is not only cost effective but also gives best result to any business of any field. Digital Marketing is done in two method orgainic Marketing and Paid Marketing. Both the Marketing is equally important for any businesss but you need to know which businees need how much organic and paid marketing before discussing that let’s first learn what is Digital Marketing?
What is Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is a Process of Marketing your branding in front of Million of People. There is two type of Marketing Traditional and Digital Marketing. Traditional Marketing is a way of marketing in offline mode like pamplet, hodings, Banner, Television advertisment or radio advertisement are all the are method of Traditional Marketing. But main topic What is Digital Marketing? Digital Marketing is a Process and method of Marketing your brand or business in Online or Digital Method. Digital Marketing is also Done for creating a brand awarness or recall value of any brand. Digital Makarketing is consist of two main parts first is Organic Method and Paid Method. In organic method gives you long term result and requires a lots of time to rank your website. Paid Marketing gives you instant result and need a investment. so let’s First learn Importants of Digital Marketing.
Importance of Digital Marketing
Here is top 10 importance of Digital Marketing and why it’s so important.
The reach of Digital Marketing: The World is now stepping into Digital Marketing and Everyone is available in Digital channels. Reaching your target audience is easy nowadays. Your audience can be sitting in any corner of the world you can reach them in a few clicks. In digital marketing, there are no boundaries of location.
Engagement: With the help of Digital Marketing we can showcase our product and service to a huge audience around the world Digital Marketing helps connect and people can relate to your brand very easily.
Target Audience. Before knowing and reaching your target audience was difficult but Digital Marketing has made it really easy you can know your target audience’s complete details like age, gender, and location and target them with Digital Marketing.
Analytics: Digital Marketing gives you complete details of your traffic that will help you to make a strategy easily. For Example: If you know that your target audience is Girls of 20 to 25 years of age it will be easy to design and market them.
Retargeting: Digital Marketing allows retargeting your audience let’s understand this with a Single Example: For Example, you are Checking a t-shirt in an e-commerce platform, and after some time you see the same shirt advertisement it is called retargeting. Brands are tracking your activities in all the platforms.
Price: There are huge differences in Price points in Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing. traditional marketing costs is really high and small startups or businesses can’t afford it. Digital Marketing is a Competitively low price than digital Marketing and many businesses can afford it. For example: You can run ads for just 100Rs or even a lower price but the same cost in Traditional marketing is higher.
ROI( Return of Investment): Digital Marketing’s most helpful feature is to get a return on every money you spend. For Example, you are advertising on Facebook and spending 100Rs you can check that you 100Rs Reach you audience aur not
Type of Digital Marketing?
There are Different Type of Digital Marketing
There are Different Types of Digital Marketing:
1. SEO: SEO is an organic method of Digital Marketing. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of increasing the Visibility of a website and ranking your website.
Different Types of SEO are
On-Page SEO: On-page SEO involves activities that we perform on the website. Example: Optimizing Title, Description, or Website.
Off-Page SEO: Off-page SEO involves the activities that are performed on the backend of many websites like building different types of links.
Local SEO: Local SEO is for the business that is operating locally like a local location it operates in the keyword like near me, location-based keyword. Example: Digital Marketing Course in Kolkata, Cake Shop near me
Technical SEO: Technical SEO depends on the technical part of the website like website loading Speed, Website layout
PPC (Pay Per Click): It is running advertisements on the Google platform. Pay per Click is a module running ads in Search Engine it is also Search Engine Marketing. PPC gives you instant results and can rank your website top on Search Engine. There are different types of PPC campaigns and it depends on the objective of your business.
Social Media Optimization: Social Media Optimization is optimizing your Social Media accounts like Facebook, and Instagram to reach your target audience easily. Every Business is different so the audience of different businesses use a particular platform. We need to optimize the business account. It involves organically growing your social media reach and reaching the entire target audience
Social Media Marketing: Social Media Marketing is a way of reaching your audience with the help of paid advertisement on Facebook, and Instagram. Social Media Marketing is solely responsible for marketing your business on social media.
Email- Marketing: Email Marketing is very simple. Email Marketing is a way of promoting your business. You can send your target audience Thank you, offer mail, and discount offers very easily. With a single click, you can reach 1 Million people easily. There are Top benefits of Email Marketing :
You can customize your mail according to your audience.
Sending customized offers to customers is easy.
Connecting with your leads is easy with email marketing.
Influencer Marketing: Influencer Marketing is famous nowadays. Choosing the right influencer according to your niche and promoting your business with influencers gives you good traffic on your business.
Some Key Step Influencer Marketing are: 1. Choosing a right influencer for your brand and niche is really imprortant. 2.Checking and investing about your brand is also imprtant 3. Approching Influencer and connecting with your brand.
What to Learn More about Digital MarketingTake a Free 3-days Demo Class to learn more
Digi Rathi is providing a free Master Class in Digital Marketing in which you will learn more about Digital Marketing as a career as well as a business choice. Any undergraduate student can take part in a FREE Master Class. Click on the form below to know more